Ban on the military serving as private security service

The Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) issued a regulation banning soldiers from providing private security service to any company or private individual. 

“All military commanders at every unit that are under the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces must manage your soldiers on a regular basis, monitor their attendance, and not allow any military and any personnel to guard private companies, factories, and serve the interest of any individual,” the directive signed by RCAF’s Commander-in-Chief General Vong Pisen stated.

Dated Sept. 3, the regulation also stipulates that members of the military are not allowed to wear uniforms and carry guns in crowded public areas including restaurants, shopping malls and entertainment clubs.

Last June, Interior Minister Sar Kheng had ordered the military authorities to stop allowing officers to guard karaoke establishments, bars, casinos and other entertainment centers.  

The minister also prohibited all public-service entities from using their cars and vehicles to guard any private company or tycoon.


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