Digital Content Creators Get Aid For Social Projects

- Cambodianess
August 31, 2021, 12:16 PM
Ministry sets aside $ 100,000 to boost media
PHNOM PENH--Creators of online content that provides education or social benefits are to get cash incentives from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
A budget of $100,000 a year has been set aside for creators such as vloggers, YouTubers, digital artists, influencers, filmmakers, and music and digital animation producers.
Telecoms Minister Chea Vandeth said on Monday that projects will get from $1,000 to $3,000.
He told Secretary of State So Visothy to prepare a brief about the project. He said the project had been discussed and officials should not just talk about it. It had to be put into practice every year.
The Minister spoke to several well-known content creators during a Zoom discussion titled Challenges and Opportunities for Content Creators in Cambodia. He said the ministry was making efforts to encourage and protect the interests of content owners.
The money was coming from ministry savings, not from the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
He said that in the first stage, grants will be based on assessments by the ministry along with content creators, influencers and YouTubers.
The amounts will increase if the projects are successful from year to year.
Training on quality, technical aspects were also needed for content creators. The minister asked the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT) to work with them.
Chheng Sopheak, founder of Rean Thort which teaches photography and cinematography in Khmer language on YouTube, asked the ministry to give content creators the chance to study or attend workshops abroad to improve their skills and knowledge.
He urged the minister to consider facilitating the import of materials related to digital content creation.
Vandeth said the ministry will try to solve problems according to the cases it receives and he encouraged anyone facing issues to contact the ministry's information and communications technology team.
He also wants to have a meeting between officials and digital professionals every three or six months to try to tackle problems and training. Ethics training and prevention of social misconduct was also necessary.
Additional reporting by Phoung Vantha