Grab All of Cambodia's Finest Products via

Elevate your shopping experience with Cambodia's authentic products with CambodiaTrade. 

CambodiaTrade known as is the first and leading e-commerce marketplace in Cambodia that has transformed the standard of living for Cambodians by allowing customers to purchase products on convenient digital platforms instead of the traditional way.

This e-marketplace platform itself is free and easy to access with minimal design. The customer will find it easy to navigate with specific sections containing their product categories, background information, contact details, and special promotion sections in both Khmer and English. If you have your eyes on some of the products already, you may pay attention to the various special offers. 

Creating a convenient and wide range of products for customers, Cambodiatrade provides different local products secured in one platform of product categories such as agriculture products, handicrafts, food and beverage, cloth and textile products, medical products, and accessories.

For the new customers, to purchase any desired products, you just have to sign up to create a new customer on the CambodiaTrade website, along with your phone number or email, and a few personal information verifications.

In the past, some SMEs, specifically those in the province were having some challenges such as the lack of know-how to incorporate digital technology into their business, business management training, and the competitive environment from the outside, that’s why they are depending on the traditional way to run their businesses.

Thanks to innovative technology, it allows all users to take advantage of it​ and bring their business to the next level. E-commerce and online business have been taken into serious consideration by all business owners in favor of the shift in consumer/customer behavior.   

Designed specifically for the customer to experience digital purchasing of products, customers have a variety of payment options, and the ability to track the shipping status of their product orders. In addition, the customer and business owners can place direct orders with SMEs for retail and wholesale.

The e-commerce marketplace was established and operated by the Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia to help Cambodia’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sell their products to potential customers in domestic and international markets, with financial support and technical assistance from the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF).

CambodiaTrade aims to raise local brand awareness and promote potential local brands, especially Geographic Indication Products (GI) and One Village, One Product (OVOP), and strengthen Cambodian women's enterprises.

All those products not only contribute to national economic growth and export to international markets but also display Cambodia's prosperous culture and uniqueness within each region. Along with the support from the Cambodian government, including access to finance, training, and business development services, SMEs have grown significantly and expanded their potential to local and international markets via CambodiaTrade platform. 

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