Kirum Herbal Tea: Highly Fashionable Infusions

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  • Thmey Thmey
  • July 5, 2019 9:25 AM

Throughout the world, herbal teas are getting a new life 

For instance, over the last 15 years in Europe, young entrepreneurs have, inspired by people whose lifestyles are close to nature, developed brands that have revolutionized the herbal-tea market. 

Attractive packaging, unusual flavors, ingredients grown bio with ensured traceability: Those new brands in Europe target a young customer base eager to consume healthy products.

“The 25-to-35 years old are really looking for a healthy diet,” said Stéphanie Cubain, director of the herbal-tea company Le Carré des Simples. “Organic products are increasingly being developed and the herbal-tea resurgence is part of this trend,” she said in a story posted at

Moreover, those herbal teas are known to relieve numerous everyday aches. Stiff legs, troubles with digestion, stress, sudden tiredness and so on: Nothing in beyond plants’ medicinal properties. “Most of our medicinal products are formulated based on plants, Cubain said. “So we may as well directly use them.”

Along with the health benefits of those plant-based beverages, there is an array of flavors provided by Nature. “They all have different flavors and one plant may even taste differently depending on where or when it was picked and the way it was dried,” said Sylvie Courcol of the herbal-tea company Le Bénéfique in the story at

Undeniable sign of their growing success among younger consumers: Herbal teas are now favored by those creating cocktails with or without alcohol. Over the last few years, herbal teas tasting like alcoholic cocktails have become fashionable in Germany.

On the shelves of supermarkets, one finds herbal teas that taste like mulled wine or even well-known cocktails such as mojito or pina colada.  

With its inflorescence of Kampot pepper in the Kirum range, Confirel brings in a superbly spicy and profoundly Cambodian dash to this universal symphony of flavors, which provide wellbeing and enjoyment.

Legally protected by patent and trademark registered with France’s national patent office Institut national de la propriete industrielle and in the process of being approved in 50 or so countries, the herbal tea formula developed by Confirel insures the effectiveness of the detoxifying properties of the active ingredients found in pepper inflorescence.

Combined with other plants with recognized medicinal properties, those Kampot pepper inflorescences feature in eight herbal teas with subtle flavors and beneficial to health. 

In the herbal tea world, the extraordinary—and surprising—hint of spice in the Kirum pepper inflorescences brings in a typically Khmer touch. And on the international market, this is one of Confirel’s creations that spark the most interest. 

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