Student Volunteers to Teach English in Takeo Province

20-year-old Luot Rong volunteers to teach English in Takeo province. Photo provided

Children in Takeo Province lack the opportunity to learn English, which broadens opportunities and access to knowledge due to a lack of resources in Khmer, so Luot Rong is volunteering to bridge the gap

TAKEO--Motivated by the low levels of English language proficiency of children in Takeo Province, 20-year-old Luot Rong, a third-year business management student at the University of Cambodia, has taken to volunteering as an English teacher in his hometown of Sdok Prei Village, Trapeang Sab Commune.

Rong has been teaching English in his village since he was in the 11th grade, largely, he said, because he deems English an essential international language for students who wish to pursue higher education.

“The more English we know, the more [we] will get scholarship and job opportunities because English is a universal language,” he said.

Each day of the week, Rong spends an hour or two in the afternoon helping young people to develop their English language skills, noting that their abilities were considerably lower than those living in Phnom Penh.

Since he began, class sizes have grown and now other teachers in the community are joining him to encourage students across local communities to try and improve their language skills and broaden their opportunities in the future.

“All students must try to learn English as much as possible,” he said. “When we know English, we can improve our knowledge.

“If I have the opportunity, I will take my time to teach and share English with students and other children as much as I can,” Rong said.


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