UN Country Team holds annual dialogue with Hun Sen

- Cambodianess
May 6, 2019, 1:00 PM
New assistance framework signed for 2019 to 2023
Phnom Penh, Cambodia--The United Nations Country Team held an annual dialogue with Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday, the office of UN Resident Coordinator Pauline Tamesis said.
In a statement, the office said the dialogue focused on sustainable development under a five-year assistance framework to accelerate implementation of Cambodia's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“The UN will strategically support national development priorities, as articulated in the Rectangular Strategy IV, the draft National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023 and the Cambodia SDG Framework,” Tamesis was quoted as telling the prime minister.
The statement said the dialogue focused on social protection, data for development and a voluntary national review of Cambodia’s implementation SDG plans.
“High priority attention will be needed to balance economic growth with safeguarding the natural environment, protecting human rights and promoting social goals,” Tamesis said.
She said this would "ensure that the poor are protected from shocks, that prosperity is equitably shared, and that future generations also benefit from today’s decisions on how resources are managed.”
After the dialogue, Tamesis and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn signed a UN Development Assistance Framework for Cambodia for 2019 to 2023, the statement said.
The new framework focuses on expanding social and economic opportunities, promoting sustainable living, strengthening participation and accountability as well as managing urbanization.
Under the framework, "the UN provides financial and technical support to the Royal Government to develop and implement plans, policies and frameworks to help prioritize issues affecting the most vulnerable,” Tamesis said.