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- February 8, 2025 , 7:30 PM
PHNOM PENH – Un Kosal, a disabled student from a poor family, has spoken about her struggle to overcome her disability and her ambition to become a computer coder.
Kosal, in her third year at the University of Cambodia, was born without hands.
“Being born into a poor family is not a mistake,” she said. “The important thing is to seek knowledge and opportunities to help yourself through this hardship.
“My classmates are friendly to me. They do not discriminate against me. I am not lonely in class. My classmates and I talk with each other. We sometimes eat together,’’ she said.
Kosal, 23, said she sometimes gets upset because she is different from other people. She used to cry when others looked down on her.
All the bad words were in her head but she wasn’t giving up on her dream. She opened her mind to accept that and show her confidence to the world.
She always wanted to be a programmer. When she told others about her ambition, she was bullied but others encouraged and motivated her to follow her dream.
“If I keep thinking about those words and continue to be upset, and I do not accept my disability. It will make me worse, and I will not be able to recognize myself in life. So, I have to do something happy and useful for myself and society,” she said.
Kosal did not give up. She tried to write on her computer keyboard as well as she could.
“I am glad that I have a chance to study at the university with motivation from teachers, friends and parents,” she said.
“I never give up because studying is the most important thing and there is no obstacle that can prevent me from wanting to learn even though I’m a disabled.”
Dreams of a coding career
Born in Kampong Thom province, Kosal came to Phnom Penh in 2019 to major in information technology and lives with her sister and brother-in-law in a rented room.
She wants to be a programmer because she has liked information technology since she was young and wants to create new things with software.
“I love both code programming and being a designer in information technology. I can choose any one of them,” she said.
Since she cannot drive a motor, she needs to stay near her college. She can dress herself but needs help from her sister or brother with some shirts or jeans with buttons or zippers.
“I am glad that I have a chance to study at the university with motivation from teachers, friends, and parents,” she said.
“I never give up because studying is the most important thing, and there is no obstacle that can prevent me from wanting to learn even though I’m a disabled,” she added.
Despite her poverty, Kosal always wants to study and believes she can work in the information technology sector like non-disabled individuals. Moreover, she believes that only education can change her life and help her family.
In the future, she wants to work for a ministry that is related to her major. Now, she is more fluent with both code programming and design. If she does not work for a ministry, she will work with private companies. She also wants to run her own business.
Kosal said to those with disabilities: Don’t give up on studying because it is the only way that can change lives.
Nhor Sokhoeurn contributed to the story.