Seasonal Fishing Ban: Join Boycott Consuming Spawning Fish and Fish Eggs

Photo by Chhut Chheana / USAID Wonders of the Mekong

Stung Treng Province, where the Mekong River system flows through, is considered by researchers of Wonders of the Mekong project to be the last habitat for many brood fish species spawning during the rainy season. Every year, these brood fish produce billions of larvae to supply to the floodplains, especially the Tonle Sap Lake.

On April 30, 2021, the Stung Treng Provincial Administration issued a notification on the closed fishing season for the Stung Treng fishing area, which is implemented annually from May 1 to September 30. During the fishery closure, the Stung Treng provincial administration confirmed that all kinds of gillnets, electrofishing, poison as well as explosive devices are not allowed.

However, fishermen can still fish with family fishing gears such as Basket trap, vertical and horizontal cylinder traps, cast net, single hook, vertical hanging vase trap and plunge basket or cover pot and bamboo basket and other small scale fishing gears allowed by law for the provision of daily family life.

The Wonders Mekong River Project would like to urge Cambodians to refrain from buying fish with eggs and fish eggs during this closed fishing season. The boycott does not​ eat, buy fish with eggs and fish eggs equal to those who have contributed to reducing the fishing of those species.

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