At 3 Years Old, Oeun Rithypol Reads and Writes in Khmer

At just 3 years old, Oeun Rithypol’s love for books goes beyond his years. Photo: Heng Sreylin

PHNOM PENH — At just 3 years old, Oeun Rithypol’s love for books goes beyond his years. Although he is still learning to speak, he is already a great reader and writer of both Khmer and English letters.

Rithypol’s curiosity drives him to explore the world around him through books. His parents devote their time to teaching him in spite of being busy working; But even when he is on his own, the boy keeps going through books and is even able to read and write letters.

Rithypol’s parents Ourn Vichea and Ly Kimlong are dedicated to teaching him despite their busy schedules as rice sellers and money-transfer agents in Phnom Penh’s Sangkat Boeung Kak II in Khan Toul Kork.

As Vichea explained, he and his wife have spent their free time teaching their little boy since he was one year old. They started with the alphabet, and then helped him read names of animals and fruits.

Since then, Rithypol’s interest in books has grown, Vichea said. He often looks at books after eating in-between napping and, even though he cannot read yet, he looks at the letters and pictures, turning the pages one by one as if he could, he said.

Seeing their son’s passion for books, Rithypol's parents have been getting more and more books, posters, and study materials for him, Vichea said.

In his family’s 6-by-5-meter house, Rithypol enjoys his morning routine of sitting down and going through the books his mother places on the table for him such as "Chantra and Chantra" and "Panha Visits Phnom Penh" among others.

Nearby, a colorful poster displaying pictures with letters and words hangs on the wall near the money exchange desk, enabling Rithypol to easily see and point at them. The 3-year-old boy can now read the alphabet and short Khmer sentences. Moreover, he can recognize the flags of approximately 165 countries, his parents said.

Since Rithypol turned 2 years old, he has been able to read and remember characters, Vichea said. The boy can also remember a lesson after being taught only once, he said.

Although he still has difficulty with pronunciation, Rithypol has mastered the 33 letters of the Khmer alphabet, 23 vowels, numbers from 1 to 100, and how to handle a pen and write the letters since he was two years old.

Rithypol’s parents have seen that learning to write and read has been beneficial habit for their son whose abilities go beyond their expectations. Plus, he is an obedient child, they said.

As parents play an important role in the education of their children. Ourn Vichea and Ly Kimlong have contributed to developing a love of books and learning in their boy. Every day, Rithypol never fails to amaze neighbors and friends with his intelligence and creativity.


Originally written in Khmer for ThmeyThmey, this story was translated by Chhuon Kongieng for Cambodianess.

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