Can’t Wait for 10 Years from Now!

A man rows a boat as the sun sets in Phnom Penh on December 17, 2019 (AFP)

Barely into a new decade and already we feel like having it over.

But since no one really likes to see the time go by, why such impatience?

Because we’ve had it with construction works, building projects, cranes, the unending line of dirt and cement trucks, the houses being razed, the ponds being filled up, the roads rebuilt, the rice fields turning into desolate landscapes awaiting residential development about to be built. 

One wishes for all this to be over. 

One would like to know how all this will end up, whether it will be nice to look at, livable, lived in.

One would like to know whether it was worth putting up with all this maihem, whether those who launched this symphony of concrete and iron did not make a mistake and that there will be nothing to regret. 

One would like to make sure one will not mourn a Cambodia we used to love. 

And one would like tranquility. 

For the eyes.

For the soul.

One would like not to have to wonder, when going somewhere: And there, how will this be tomorrow?  

One wishes tomorrow was already here.

And that Cambodia was still here.

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