Peace Summit Absence Not Linked to War Stance

In the “Cambodia’s Foreign Policy in the ASEAN Context” Discussion Forum, Kung Phoak said the decision was not related to Cambodia’s stand on the war. Photo: Thien Phearin

PHNOM PENH – Cambodia’s decision not to attend a Ukraine Peace Summit is not related to the country’s position on the Ukraine War, Kung Phoak, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, says.

Senate President Hun Sen on June 7 announced that Cambodia would not attend the summit in neutral Switzerland on June 15 and 16 because Russia was not invited and the event is not expected to be successful.

In the “Cambodia’s Foreign Policy in the ASEAN Context” Discussion Forum, Kung Phoak said the decision was not related to Cambodia’s stand on the war.

“The decision to participate in the summit is the right of a sovereign state in considering on pragmatic and obvious whether all of the conditions will contribute to the effort seeking a solution that leads toward lasting peace,” Kung Phoak said, adding that it cannot be considered as a change in Cambodia’s position.

Kung Phoak said that to find a solution it is critical for the parties to participate so that any decision will be followed, benefit the parties and not complicate the issues.

Cambodia’s stand is to see a long-lasting and sustainable solution.

Cambodia along with UN General Assembly member states have voted to adopt several resolutions condemning and urging Russia to stop waging war against Ukraine.

Kung Phoak also raised the cases of Robert Forden’s nomination as the next US ambassador to Cambodia and the appointment of Wang Wenbin as his Chinese counterpart.

As some journalists were concerned that the nomination could lead to geopolitical rivalry, the Secretary of State said that the more competent, experienced, and well-perceived foreign officer on relations to be nominated as ambassador to Cambodia, the better relations were.

“Cambodia is thankful and happy for partner countries selecting capable and potential diplomats”, Kung Phoak said, adding that this is the wish of all countries.

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